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Custom Sociology Essay

Angela Whitiker's Climb essay

The article by Isabel Wilkerson called “Angela Whitiker’s Climb” addresses a serious and multi-faceted issue of the social status in America. The article was written in 2005, so there might be some new realities that people face nowadays but the core problems discussed in the ...

Family Relationship in “Ironing Their Clothes” by Julia Alvarez essay

Poetry has a remarkable ability to influence a variety of human emotions. The works of Julia Alvarez are depictions of everyday life of people who go through their troubles, joys, and challenges. In the familiar settings of their homes they struggle to make sense of life. The poem “Ironing ...

Immigrants essay

Poetry undoubtedly should reflect the variety of perspectives and challenge the status quo in some sense. The poem “Immigrants” by Pat Mora tries to convey the perspective of the immigrant people who want to find their future in the USA. The author is quite successful in showing the ...

People’s Responsibility for a Decent Society essay

Throughout the history of humankind, societies have struggled to create an order that would be beneficial for their members. Through trial and error people have worked hard to ensure the functioning of their communities and favorable conditions for the future development. Unfortunately, this ...

Why Poor People Are Fat essay

Obesity is a problem that has touched virtually every person in our country, whether directly or indirectly. Unfortunately, there is a tendency to avoid open discussion of this issue because of the perceived shame or lack of knowledge about it. Taking a closer look at the people who suffer from ...
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