Table of Contents
Different kinds of assignments have a number of rules and allow you to apply different writing tools. For example, you can use dialogue only in the narrative essay. Even though you might think that describing a conversation is uncomplicated, it can be tricky. Besides, you certainly need to know the rules to write it properly.
The Rules of Punctuation
- Finishing your sentences with quotations, put the periods inside the quotation marks.
- It’s important to remember that if an exclamation point is used by the person who has said the phrase, you have to use it in your quote as well.
- If the quote you’re using is part of an exclamation or question, you have to place the punctuation after the quotation marks.
- It’s also very important to use commas, but you need to be sure that you use them after the verb upon beginning the quote.
- In case the verb is written after the quotation, place a comma after the quote, before the verb.
- If the quote needs to be broken up and restarted, you need to use a comma after the first part of the sentence.
Give It to Someone Else to Read
It’s always good to have other people’s opinions on your essay. It helps you get a new perspective on it and, as a result, can lead to major improvements of the written piece. After someone else have read your essay and made necessary suggestions, correct your paper to make it easier to read and understand.
Read It out Loud
- It’s always a marvelous idea to read your essay aloud to see if it makes sense. It’s especially important with the dialogue. It’ll also help you see if the writing flows and if it’s actually good.
- Reading your essay aloud works really well if you don’t have time or opportunity to give it to someone else to read.
- Remember that all kinds of essays have one thing in common: all of them need to have perfect punctuation and grammar.
- Take your time to check the structure of your essay. You don’t want any small things to lower the grade for your hard work.
Remember that very often people find it hard to understand dialogues within essays. You can avoid this issue by proofreading your essay and having one or two persons who have read it for you before you turn it in to your professor. This will certainly make things easier for you.
Besides, you should always have fun while writing your essay. This way, you will do this much quicker and it will be more interesting and pleasant experience for you!