Is Democracy the Perfect Political Regime?

The main reason for choosing a democratic political regime in many countries of the world is the essence of its concept and ideology. Only this institution has proclaimed such goals and objectives as self-realization of an individual, self-determination of peoples, collective intelligence, the ability of people to represent their interests and protect them, and equality of citizens. Democracy is also one of the best means of achieving social ideals. However, this ideology has a lot of disadvantages.

Real State of Democracy

The main problem of a democratic state regime is the weak practical realization of its goals and objectives that have an essential basis. Because of this, there is a distrust of state power among citizens. In order to avoid negative processes of a democratic regime, it is recommended to improve various processes of the life of society. In countries that have taken this political regime as a basis, most of them are not fully developed.

The disadvantage of democracy is that the majority opinion is not capable of expressing and supporting non-standard solutions. Brilliant thought appears in one head. To support it, the majority must at least understand it. Most often misunderstood geniuses remain in isolation. Most citizens support banal, instinctive decisions drawn from past experience. Thus, the inconsistency of democracy is in priority of the social needs of voters over high state ones. Broad masses dream of easy and fast improvement of their financial situation, fewer taxes, less work, no class (and if possible, educational) restrictions, easy enrichment, easy career growth. These needs require public authorities to carry out social policy in order to get the support of the people and remain in power, refusing statewide priorities.


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The external democracy of one state in relation to others is considered unacceptable. Each state is obliged to distribute and develop this institution purely in relation to its citizens. Only socially conditioned states applying the basic requirements of democracy in the realities of people's lives can recognize themselves as democratic.

Economic Problems and Democracy

It is known that representative democracy is the ideal system suitable for social practices. However, the general elections make it possible to influence state leaders, and it consequently leads to large legal entities and coalitions. The fact is that these large commercial organizations and various coalitions of a rich stratum of society gain access to state affairs. It, in turn, provides functional privileges for the forced seizure and redistribution of the property of citizens. In fact, under this system, these privileges are the weapon of some groups of citizens against others. Thus, the state acquires a lobbying nature, which goes against the democratic foundations.

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Under a democratic regime, leaders do not own the state but only control it. They will not be able to transfer anything to the right of ownership to their heirs. Therefore, government spending and taxes may increase. It can bring even more misfortune than monarchy. It can be concluded that the democratic regime is not universal and far from ideal.

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