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The table below shows the correspondence between the academic level of assignment/its deadline and its price. Please, take into consideration the fact that the exchange rates can change unexpectedly, so prices may vary slightly from day to day. However, regardless of fluctuations in currency rates, every student can buy essay papers from Marvelous-essay.net.
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The listed prices are set in USD per 1 page. Each page is typed in Times New Roman font 12pt and is double-spaced. The average number of words per page is approximately 300. The prices listed in the table do not include VAT. This is reserved only for students living in Europe. The VAT costs will be added to each order automatically during the course of transaction.

Application and Admission Writing
Students often experience difficulties with writing application and admission essays. These documents require a great deal of time and hard work. It is known that these papers must be written in the right way since they have the potential to influence student’s future, including career prospects. Therefore, Marvelous-essay.net pays particular attention to application writing. These assignments are given to specially trained writers who know how to customize and create the best application and admission papers. Students who are looking for cheap essays online can also find unsurpassed application and admission works at Marvelous-essay.net. Pay attention, prices for this type of writing are slightly higher than those for other academic papers.
By allowing Marvelous-essay.net to write your application and admission essays, you greatly increase your chances to enter the university of your choice. We will help you achieve your highest goals.
It should be noted that students who give us more time to complete their orders will pay a lower price than those learners who wait until the last minute to submit their orders. We encourage all students to place their orders in advance. Please, allow sufficient time so that we can check over your papers and make any amendments that may be necessary.
Every customer should indicate his/her academic level so that we can create a paper suitable for his/her level of knowledge. Your professor will never find out that your paper ha sbeen written by another person. We guarantee that all works produced by our trained professionals will be original.
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Our service offers two different types of discounts:
- Our One-time discounts: from 5% to 10% depending upon the total price of the order.
- Our annual discounts range from 5 to15% depending on the total number of pages ordered.